Conference Postponement, 32nd Cumberland

Dear colleagues,

In light of the current coronavirus situation, we have to cancel the 32nd Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics Graph Theory and Computing, which we had planned to hold at William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on May 23-24, 2020.

This is a very sad decision for us to make.  We were well-prepared to have a great conference here in Virginia.  Four outstanding scholars (Daniel Kral, Blair Sullivan, Douglas West, Yufei Zhao) had agreed to be our plenary speakers (

). Our college had provided generous support and we had also requested funding from NSF to support the travel of more junior researchers (Zi-Xia Song and Rong Luo were very kind to share with us their previous NSF proposals).  Our secretaries also worked very hard to reserve more than 60 hotel rooms for us.  Even though the conference will not happen this year at W&M, we are very grateful for all the support and appreciate all the help!

I know this must be an disappointing news for some of you.  We do hope to bring Cumberland to Virginia some time in the future.  Cumberland will resume in 2021 at Middle Tennessee State University.

Best wishes,


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