Conference Announcement: Stinson 66 13-17 June, 2022 Fields Institute Stinson66 - New Advances in Designs, Codes and Cryptography June 13 - 17, 2022 , The Fields Institute Location: Fields Institute, Room 230 Description This conference will celebrate Doug Stinson’s 66th birthday and highlight his contributions to the fields of designs, codes, cryptography, and their connections. The goal is to explore recent developments, open problems and conjectures in combinatorial design theory along with applications to related areas including codes, cryptography, networks, and algorithms. We intend to bring together leading researchers from around the world, along with graduate students, postdocs and other early-career researchers. The conference will consist of invited talks only and will provide ample opportunity for discussion and collaboration among the participants. Keynote Speakers Marco Buratti, University of Perugia Simon Blackburn, Royal Holloway University of London Charlie Colbourn, Arizona S