
Showing posts from March, 2017

Our new council members for 2017-2020

Yeow Meng Chee is Professor and Chair of the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.   He is also concurrently the co-director of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Centre at the Nanyang Technological University. Marston Conder is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Auckland University, and the former co-director of the New Zealand Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. His main research interests are in combinatorial group theory, graph theory, and their connections with each other. He served as president of the New Zealand Mathematical Society and as president of the Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand . Gennian Ge is a Professor in Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University. Before he joined Zhejiang University, he was a Visiting Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont from September, 2002 to February, 2004, and a Postdoct


NINTH SHANGHAI CONFERENCE   ON   COMBINATORICS (9SHCC) May 24 - 28, 2017 The Ninth Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics (9SHCC) will be held in Shanghai from May 24th to May 28th, 2017. There will be 50-minute invited talks and 25-minute contributed talks on combinatorial enumerations, combinatorial design theory, combinatorial matrix theory, finite geometry, algebraic combinatorial theory, combinatorial algorithm, graph theory, coding theory and related topics. Academic Commitee Eiichi Banani Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Richard.A.Brualdi University of Wisconsin, Madison Zhenfu Cao East China Normal University, Shanghai Yanxun Chang Beijing Jiaotong Univeristy, Beijing Jiayu Shao Tongji University, Shanghai Hao Shen Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Johannes Siemons University of East Anglia, Norwich Joseph.A. Thas Ghent University, Ghent Richard.M.Wilson Califo

Thanks to our Registrar Emeritus!

Ernest Reut D'Auteil has generously served the ICA as its Registrar, and previously as Editor of the BICA and as a member of Council.  As of March 1, 2017, Spyros Magliveras will be the ICA's Registrar and Ernie will be our Registrar Emeritus.

Minutes of the AGM March 8, 2017

Meeting called to order at 11:02 by Fred Hoffman Welcome from the Dean of the College at FAU, apologies from the President who is in Tallahassee at the legislative session.   The Dean welcomes everyone, and is very happy to host the conference and the ICA.   FAU is proud of Spyros for his work, Fred for his work, and the contributions to academia.   FAU is demonstrating Academic Excellence, and proud of the work we are doing. 11:07 Stinson begins his remarks ·       Introductions and moment of silence for Peter Slater, Petr Skoda, Ann Street, Gerd Fricke, Micheal Deza. ·       Election of the Executive: 20 were elected last year, including President Stinson, Vice President Froncek, Pike, Holliday as executive. ·       Registrar change, Ernest Reut D’Atueil has stepped down and Spyros Magliveras will be taking up the role. ·       ICA office is in FAU.   Dues are invoiced monthly.   It will take one year to fully realize the updated membership.   Du

ICA Annual General Meeting

The meeting is scheduled to be held at the 48th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. The meeting will be on Wednesday, March 8, at 11am in the Grand Palm Room. Agenda as follows: Report from the President • election of Executive (2016) • ICA Office relocation 
 • dues schedule • ICA medals 
 • Bulletin of the ICA 
 • Communicating with the Membership Financial reports 
 • Ernest Ruet d’Auteuil • Spyros Magliveras Election of new council members Constitutional issues and initiatives As well, two medal presentations will take place at the Conference. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by Sarah Holliday and posted here, hopefully Thursday morning!