
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Ralph G Stanton Scholarship at University of Manitoba

The Ralph G. Stanton Scholarship  In 1970, Ralph G. Stanton came to the University of Manitoba from York University to launch the Department of Computer Science. This innovative new area of study created excitement on campus when over 600 students signed up for the first freshman course. The projects developed in the first year included the following: programming languages, algorithmic methods, numerical analysis, social impact of computing, and much more. Ralph G. Stanton also created the first Computer Science co-op program. The number of undergraduate and graduate students interested in the program continued to grow. As of September 2016, there are 722 students in the Department of Computer Science’s programs. This was a 28% increase from the previous year. The current ratio of students is 85% male and 15% female. Full course tuition for a domestic student is approximately $5,000 with books and supplies estimated at $2,000. International student tuition rates are substantia

Two new initiatives for ICA membership

Approved at the annual meeting: - Give a one-year free membership to any student who finishes a PH.D. in Combinatorics.  - Give the first year of membership free to a new member registering for two years.  😁

Congratulations at Simon Fraser University

The ICA recently made headlines at SFU, noting that they had a Hall, and Euler, and a Kirkman winner in the department (Jedwab, Mohar, Schmidt)!  CONGRATULATIONS!

Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations Euler, Hall, Kirkman, and Stanton Medals for 2018 Honorary Fellowship Until 31 December 2018, nominations are invited for the 2018 Medals of the ICA, and for Honorary Fellowship in the ICA. Each medal nomination is to be made by at least two Fellows of the ICA; nominations for Honorary Fellowship are to be made by at least three Fellows of the ICA. Nominees must not be current members of the ICA Council; nominees for the Euler, Hall, and Kirkman medals must not be Honorary Fellows. Further, nominees must meet the eligibility requirements given below. In assessing eligibility, documented career interruptions are taken into account. Each nomination must include a complete curriculum vitae and publication list and a letter detailing the extent and importance of the nominee’s contributions, addressing the selection criteria. Quotes from nomination letters may be used without attribution in citations, which may appear in the Bulletin of the ICA. Euler Me

Ron Mullin awarded Stanton Medal

The  Stanton  Medal honours significant lifetime contributions to promoting the discipline of combinatorics through advocacy, outreach, service, teaching and/or mentoring. At most one medal per year is to be awarded, typically to a Fellow of the ICA. Nominations can be made by at least two Fellows of the ICA by providing a curriculum vitae for the nominee, and a letter of nomination that establishes the significance, duration, and impact of the nominee’s contributions other than research. Doug Stinson, Ron Mullin, Curt Lindner at the 49th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, March 2018 For fifty years, Ron Mullin has been a leading citizen of the combinatorics community.    In addition to his exemplary research career, Ron’s contributions have been extensive as co-founder of one of the longest running combinatorial conferences; cofounder of a leading journal; managing editor; textbook author; and co-founder of a company engage