Conference announcement: Apr. 28-30, 2023 Women in Algebra and Combinatorics. Northeast Conference Celebrating the Association for Women in Mathematics: 50 Years and Counting
Dear Colleagues,
The Department of Mathematics at the State University of New York at Albany, in cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics, is organizing the following event:Women in Algebra and Combinatorics. Northeast Conference Celebrating the Association for Women in Mathematics: 50 Years and Counting.The conference will take place on the SUNY Albany campus between April 28-30, 2023. It follows the related online event on November 20-21, 2021. See the conference website for more details, including about possible funding: are currently soliciting titles and abstracts for poster presentations. Please use the submission form on the above website.With best regards, and happy holidays!Seth Chaiken, Laura Colmenarejo, Cristian Lenart, Antun Milas, Karin Reinhold, Lauren Rose, Changlong Zhong
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