Conference announcement GTCA 2022 13-15 November 

The AUA-UAEU Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications (GTCA 2022) is to be held at UAEU, Al-Ain, UAE during the three days from 13 November to 15 November 2022. It is going to be organized by Department of Mathematical Sciences, UAE University in Collaboration with University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. This is the second workshop. The 1st Workshop on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Applications (GTCA 2019) was held on October 9-10, 2019 face to face by UAE University which attracted around 50 researchers from different parts of the word including participants from leading Universities of Europe and Asia and was a successful event.

Graph theory and combinatorics are closely related to many mathematical subjects, such as, topology, geometry and number theory and have a lot of applications in applied sciences, engineering and optimization problems. The workshop focuses on all aspects of graph theory, combinatorics and their applications. It dedicates to creating a platform for exchanging the latest research results and ideas; sharing the advanced research methods and latest trends in these areas and to develop further collaborations.

Keynote Speakers

Volkmar Welker

Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany


Kiki A. Sugeng

University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Sebastian Cioaba

University of Delaware, USA


Martin Baca

Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia


Kinkar Chandra Das

Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea


Ismael G. Yero

University De Cadiz, Spain


Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro

ITB, Indonesia


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