Conference announcement: BCC 11-15 July 2022 Lancaster, UK

Noga Alon
Princeton (Clay Lecturer), title of talk: Fair partitions
Jozsef Balogh
Illinois, title of talk: Hypergraph Turan problems in l_2-norm
Irit Dinur
Weizmann, title of talk: Expanders and codes
David Ellis
Bristol, title of talk: Intersection problems in extremal combinatorics
Valentina Pepe
Rome, title of talk: Finite geometry and extremal graph theory
Alexey Pokrovskiy
UCL, title of talk: Rainbow subgraphs and their applications
Laszlo Vegh
LSE, title of talk: Linear programming and the circuit imbalance measure
Paul Wollan
Rome, title of talk: Explicit bounds in graph minors
Josephine Yu
Georgia Tech, title of talk: Combinatorics of tropical geometry

The Mini-symposia will be

Additive combinatorics (organised by Ben Green, Oxford)

Designs and algebraic structures (organised by Leonard Soicher, Queen Mary), speakers:

Extremal combinatorics (organised by Peter Keevash and Katherine Staden, both Oxford)

Matroids and combinatorial geometry (organised by Bill Jackson, Queen Mary and Bernd Schulze, Lancaster)

Probabilistic combinatorics (organised by Stefanie Gerke, Royal Holloway)

Induced subgraphs (organised by Marthe Bonamy, CNRS Bordeaux and Alex Scott, Oxford)

Further details will be placed here as they are announced.

Contributed talks

All participants are encouraged to submit an abstract on a topic related to the conference and give a 20-minute presentation. Details of how to submit abstracts will follow.


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