Dr. Alexander Bors awarded the 2018 Kirkman Medal of the ICA

Kirkman Medals recognize excellent research by Fellows or Associate Fellows of the ICA early in their research career, as evidenced by an excellent body of published research.

Dr. Alexander Bors has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of combinatorial and quantitative problems on finite groups. He addresses fundamental theoretical questions, some of which are motivated by practical applications. He seeks characterizations that support efficient algorithmic decidability. 

His PhD work has earned him several awards, namely an “Award of Excellence Austrian state prize for the best dissertations 2016”, the “Hans Stegbuchner Prize 2016” for outstanding mathematical theses at the University of Salzburg, and the “Studienpreis” of the Austrian mathematical society for the best PhD thesis in mathematics completed in Austria during the year.  Dr. Bors has already published eight substantial articles, all but one single-authored. His nominators regard him as one of the best young mathematicians of his generation in the area of combinatorics and dynamical systems on finite groups.

The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications is an international scholarly society that was founded in 1990 by Ralph Stanton; the ICA was established for the purpose of promoting the development of combinatorics and of encouraging publications and conferences in combinatorics and its applications.


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