27th British Combinatorial Conference

27th British Combinatorial Conference

The 27th British Combinatorial Conference will be held from 29th July to 2nd August 2019 organised by the School of Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. All the talks will be in the ARTS Building (R16 on here). For further information, please contact the organisers at bcc2019@contacts.bham.ac.uk.

Plenary speakers

There will be nine invited plenary lectures, delivered by the following speakers:


Through the generous support of the Heilbronn Institute there will be six invited mini-symposia covering the following topical areas of research in Combinatorics:

Additive Combinatorics:

Organised by Julia Wolf.

Designs and Latin Squares:

Organised by Peter Cameron.

Extremal Combinatorics:

Organised by Oleg Pikhurko.

Graph Colouring:

Organised by Zdeněk Dvořák.

Probabilistic Combinatorics:

Organised by David Conlon.

Ramsey Theory:

Organised by Maria Axenovich.


Conference Fees
  Early Bird (before 31st May 2019) Standard (after 1st June 2019)
 Normal £225 £275
 Reduced  £160 £210
Reduced registration fee is available for both students and retired participants.
The conference dinner and the excursion is not included in the conference fee and can be purchased separately for £65. However, the registration includes all lunches, coffee breaks and the welcome reception, as well as a copy of  "Surveys in Combinatorics 2019".
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In recent years, scams have become common relating to academic conferences (e.g. emails/phone-calls from people offering to book travel/accommodation etc. relating to a conference). Please note, no one involved in the conference will ever email or call participants asking for bank details or other sensitive data. The only transactions made (i.e. for registration) will be made through the University of Birmingham's online shop. 


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