Minutes of the 3-7-18 Annual General Meeting

Doug Stinson called the meeting to order at 11:03
Welcomed the crowd (+/- 40 people, possibly over 50 distinct persons throughout the time)
Shared agenda
1.     ICA executive council and council members
a.     Read the names of the members of the executive and the titles.
b.     Read the names of the full council, with terms.
2.     ICA office
a.     Located at Boca Raton, FAU
b.     The office has been here a year; Spyros is tracking membership and financial data (through FAU Foundation).
c.     Folks wishing to become members should reach out to Spyros by email (icaoffice at fau.edu)
d.     Donations and membership dues can be paid online through the FAU Foundation.
3.     Dues schedule
a.     FTICA: $85/year, offering a two- and three-year option, lifetime at $1000. (retirees at 50%)
b.     AFTICA: $65
c.     MTICA: $45
4.     ICA medals and Honorary Fellows
a.     Charlie Colbourn (Chair), Jonathan Jedwab, Christine O’Keefe are the Medals Committee
b.     There are now four medals: Kirkman, Hall, Euler, Stanton
c.     We are now caught up on missing years and have retroactively awarded missing medals.
d.     Announcement of New Euler Medal winners: 2017 Fan Chung, 2016 James Hirschfield.  New Hall Medal Winners: 2017 John Bamberg, Daniel Horsley.   New Kirkman Medal Winners: 2017 Hengjia Wei, Binzhou Xia. New Stanton Medal Winner: 2017 Robin Wilson.
e.     The physical medals: New dies have been created, and some medals are struck and are being engraved with the names.  Starting 2017, we are able to award medals as well as certificates to winners.
f.      Honorary fellows: There are five living honorary fellows (Shrikhande, Rao, Simmons, Sos, Gould), and the Council has elected a sixth: Neil Robertson.
5.     Bulletin of the ICA
a.     New EICs were selected in 2016: Buratti, Kreher, Tran.
b.     They have published 79 – 82 thus far.
c.     Printing and mailing is moved to Czechia.
d.     Production is handled by Don Kreher
e.     Publication schedule has shifted to February, June, and October.
f.      The Bulletin is available online behind a password protected page available to ICA members.
g.     Paper copies are still being mailed.
h.     Scholarly articles are hosted on the ICA webpages.
i.      Tables of contents are also listed on the ICA website.
6.     Webpages
a.     Luca Guizzi is the webmaster
b.     The-ica.org
7.     ICA logos
a.     Approved at the 2017 annual meeting.
b.     Appearing on the website
8.     Membership committee recommendations
a.     Daniel Panario (Chair), Jeff Dinitz, Linda Lezniak, and Valentina Pepe.
b.     They give the following recommendations (discussion is scheduled for later.)
                                               i.     Create a brochure
                                             ii.     One year free membership to a student finishing a PhD in combinatorics
                                            iii.     New members get 2 years for price of one
                                            iv.     Differential fees for members housed in different countries.
                                              v.     Gift options, ICA swag.
9.     Membership lists
a.     Printed membership lists have been distributed in the past
b.     There appears to be preference for an online list.
c.     Current thinking is that a password protected list may be preferable.

Financial and membership reports (Spyros Magliveras)
1.     Beginning at 11:30, thanks everyone including and especially the Registrar Emeritus
2.     Since moving to FAU, the ICA office has issued 959 invoices (707 since the last AGM)
3.     Total gross income, about $48K, expenses about $27K, balance as of last week, about $21K.
4.     We expect to support more Conferences and invoice some Bulletins with this balance.
5.     Total membership is about 468 (the precise number fluctuates as people pay their dues in different months)
6.     We see many bar charts telling us about the membership demographics (FTICA/AFTICA/MTICA) and (life/retired) and (paid/unpaid).

Election of new council members (Sarah Holliday)
1.     A slate of candidates is presented, bringing the number of council members to 30. 
2.     Two questions; what are the duties of a council member, and what happens if a nomination arrives from the floor.
3.     Motion from Saad, Second from Selahi, unanimous consent.

Questions and discussion (Dalibor Froncek)
1.     Discussion on report from membership committee
a.     Q: Mark Ellingham: Since young’uns already get a reduced rate while grad students, does this mean they get one additional year free? A: Jeff Dinitz: Give it to them whether they want it or not, and hope that they keep it up.
b.     Q: Mark Ellingham: Do grad students get BICA, so could grad students get a digital – only version? A: Dalibor Froncek: That will drive up the cost of the publishing.
c.     Q: Don Kreher: Who updates the Wiki? A: Sarah Holliday: I’m the Wikipedia
d.     Q: Don Kreher: there should be emails on the membership list A: Fred Hoffman: MAA and AMS publish their lists – we shouldn’t hide ours behind a password.  We should publish publicly.
e.     C: Brooks Reid: Brochures are good, and so are public lists without email addresses – so it can’t be sold for profit.
f.      C: Hurley: I like the differential fees idea A: Ernie: In the past it was the Registrar that adjusted the fee schedule.
2.     Other topics
a.     Ernie Reut d’Auteil reports the history of the by-laws, and Dalibor Froncek elaborates.
Dalibor Froncek closed the meeting at 11:56am


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