News update as sent to the membership


There are some news items and updates to pass along to you.

First, certificate presentations to ICA medal winners have taken place this year at the Southeastern Conference in Boca Raton in February, at the Shanghai Conference in May, and at CanaDAM in Toronto in June. Photographs of the presentations will appear in
upcoming issues of the Bulletin. Future presentations are scheduled to take place at the Irsee Conference in September and the ICC in Melbourne in December.

However, the most exciting news relating to medals is that we now have *actual medals*, which have been struck and engraved, for all the medal winners in the period 2010-2016. So future presentations will include a medal as well as a certificate. Medal winners who have already received a certificate will receive their medal at some future date.

Please submit your nominations for 2017 medals to Charlie Colbourn by the end of 2017. The medals committee is seeking nominations of outstanding researchers to continue the high standards of these medals.

The ICA web pages have been redesigned by Luca Giuzzi and are now available for viewing at the following URL:

The most significant change in the content of the web pages is that .pdf reprints of research papers from the Bulletin, starting from Volume 79, are now available free of charge on the ICA web pages. This implements an “open access” publication policy for the research published in the Bulletin. We hope that this will bring more attention to the Bulletin and encourage the submission of more high-quality papers.

Please let your colleagues, students, etc., know about everything the ICA is doing, and encourage them to apply for membership if they are not already members. We are hoping to grow the ICA steadily in the coming years as well as increase its visibility. As always, please feel free to contact me or any member of the Executive with comments or suggestions.

Doug Stinson


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