Medals updates

As announced earlier, nominations for ICA medals for years 2013, 2014, and 2015 were evaluated by the ICA Medals Committee, Charlie Colbourn (chair), Jonathan Jedwab, and Christine O'Keefe. Following the committee's recommendation, the Council voted and decided to award the following medals. The decision for the Euler medal for 2015 has been postponed until the time for consideration of the 2016 medals.

Euler medal:
Brian Alspach (2014)

Hall medals:
Bart De Bruyn (2013) 
Peter Dukes (2014)
Lijun Ji (2015)

Kirkman medals:
Tommaso Traetta (2013)       
Daniele Bartoli (2014) 
Padraig Ó Catháin (2015)


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