Dr Ronald Graham awarded the 1993 Euler Medal of the ICA


In announcing the Euler Medallists for 1993, a reminder about the qualifications for the Medals is in order. Up to two Euler Medals per year may be awarded. A recipient must be a Fellow of the ICA and must have made a particularly distinguished lifetime career contribution to research in Combinatorics; the Euler Medal is not meant to recognize one specific achievement. Furthermore, a recipient should still be active in research.

By majority vote of the ICA Council, 1993 Euler Medals have been awarded to Claude Berge, one of the world's most distinguished graph theorists, and Ronald Graham, a research combinatoricist of enormous breadth, depth, and influence. Members of the ICA may be interested in the extremely brief summaries of their research careers that follow.

Ronald L. Graham. Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley), NSF Fellow and Woodrow Wilson Fellow.

1962- Adjunct Director, Research, Information Sciences Division AT&T Bell Labs
1986- University Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Rutgers University
1987, 1989 Visiting Professor of Computer Science, Princeton, University
1983(Winter) Fairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology
1979, 1981 Visiting Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University .
1979 (Spring) Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of California, Davis
1975 (Fall) Regents Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles
1955-59 U.S. Air Force

Selected Current Professional Activities: President, American Mathematical Society.
Steering Committee of SIAM for Special Interest Group in Discrete Mathematics.
Advisory Committees at Berkeley, Florida, Cornell, Santa Fe Institute.
Program Committee of International Congress of Mathematicians (Kyoto, 1990).
Chairman of Mathematics Section of National Acadamy of Sciences.
Mathematics Advisory Board, New York Academy of Sciences.

Past professional activities include service on many committees of the AMS and many editorial boards in combinatorics, graph theory, computer science, and general mathematics; First Vice-president of the MAA; Chairman of Polya Prize Committee of SIAM; Member of Advisory Panel on Mathematics the ONR; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, NY Academy of Sciences, American Association for Advancement of Science; Polya Prize for Combinatorics (1972);
Scientist of the Year (Worldbook Encyclopedia, 1981; Allendorfer Award of MAA (1990). Ronald Graham has published many seminal books and papers, and has undoubtedly done more than any other single individual to help dispel the old idea that combinatorics resides in the "slums of topology".


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