Constitution 3-9-16

Constitution of The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications

Article I: Name, Identification, and Location
The name of this organization shall be The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications (below referred to as ICA). The principal office shall be located _______________________

Article II: Definition and Purposes
The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications shall promote combinatorial mathematics.

Article III: Members:
The Members shall be the legislative body of the ICA.

Article IV: Officers
The officers of the ICA shall be a President, three Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, and Council Members. They are to be elected by the members of ICA. Only ICA members can be elected to any of the above offices. Officers will serve unto their successors have been elected and assume office. The Council shall serve as the advisory body to the President and other officials.

Article V: Meetings:
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall normally be held in March. Responsibility for organizing the meeting belongs to the President. The date, location and time of the meeting, and an agenda, shall be communicated to the membership by the Secretary, via email, no less that 30 days before the date of the AGM. Special Membership Meetings can be called by the President, or by agreement of any two VicePresidents, or by agreement of any four Council members.

A Notice of Meeting, signed by the person or persons calling the meeting and including an agenda, shall be delivered to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. For the purposes of this article, it suffices to deliver a scanned image of the Notice by email to the Secretary. The Notice must also specify the date, time and location of the meeting. On receipt of the Notice, the Secretary shall communicate it to the membership by email no less that 10 days before the date of the meeting.

Article VI: Voting:

At any ICA meeting, the Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, and each Member shall have only one vote. The President shall only vote in the case of a deadlock. Proxy and absentee voting shall not be allowed.

Voting can be also performed online or via email within a 30 day period since the vote is announced. Late votes will be considered invalid.

Article VII: Bylaws
Bylaws will be approved by a majority vote of the Members attending the Annual Meeting, or by an email/online vote of all Members.


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