Message from President (BICA 94, 2022)

 I am writing this message at the end of 2021, during the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. No medal presentations took place in 2021, but conferences resumed, albeit remotely. I hope that we will be able to attend conferences in person sometime in 2022. In the meantime, however, many ICA activities continue. The Bulletin of the ICA continues to be published as usual and the Medals Committee will soon be evaluating the most recent round of nominations. 

The main news concerning the ICA is that the move from Florida Atlantic University to the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) is now progressing. There was a lengthy delay while we were waiting for the IRS to approve the establishment of the ICA as a registered non-profit organization. That approval came in November. Since then, a new Registrar, Bryan Freyberg, has been appointed; Bryan replaces Spyros Magliveras, who has ably served as Registrar since 2017. A new bank account has been set up, the web pages have been updated, and the membership database is being transferred to the new office. We hope to be able to accept dues payments at the new office very soon. 

Election of Members of Council (including the Executive) will take place in March 2022 at the Annual General Meeting of the ICA. The AGM will be held in conjunction with Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing. If you are interested in serving the ICA in any capacity, please contact me or any other member of the Executive before then. 

I would like to encourage all ICA members to submit news (and photos) of interest to Don Kreher, kreher at mtu dot edu, for inclusion in News of Members column that appears in each issue of BICA. These items can include new appointments, career milestones, invited talks, awards or any other recognition. Also, I remind everyone that BICA continues to provide a “diamond open access policy” for research articles, which means that there is no charge for publishing or accessing any research articles. 

Best wishes to everyone for a healthy 2022. 

Doug Stinson, President


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