Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing

March 4-8, 2019

Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida

Greetings from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at
Florida Atlantic University!

Please plan to attend the Fiftieth, Golden Anniversary of the Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (SEICCGTC 50) to be held March 4-8, 2019, at Florida Atlantic University in beautiful, downtown Boca Raton, Florida. Go to the SEICCGTC website:

Invited speakers at this year's SEICCGTC will include:

 LĆ”szlĆ³  Babai, University of Chicago
•Fan Chung Graham, University of California, San Diego
•Martin Golumbic, University of Haifa
•Ron Graham, University of California, San Diego
 Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
·      Kristin Lauter, Microsoft Research
·      Ron Mullin, University of Waterloo and
Florida Atlantic University
·      K. Brooks Reid, California State University at San Marcos
·      Robin Wilson, The Open University


Title:  Structured Families of Graphs and Orders:  Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects
Special session organizers:  Karen Collins, Michal Stern and Ann Trenk
Please submit abstracts for this special session to[]

Title:  Combinatorial Matrix Theory
Special session organizers:  David Brown and Leslie Hogben
Please submit abstracts for this special session and to 

The Best Student Paper Competition           cid:image045.png@01D44513.23F43890
Purpose of the Event:
To celebrate and encourage research that involves students at both graduate and undergraduate levels in the areas of Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, and to acknowledge the work being done by the next generations of mathematicians.

Who is eligible?  
Graduate and undergraduate students who present a paper based upon research in which they have participated

Give a presentation and be eligible for publication in the journalCongressus Numerantium.

Algorithms Journal will present two (2) winners of the “Best Student Paper” competition with $500.00 scholarships. 

Please encourage students to join us for this incredible opportunity to meet other graduate students, meet top-notch faculty from around the world, participate in problem solving sessions, and publish in ourrefereed Congressus Numerantium volumes.

Also, we encourage you to tell your colleagues and friends to come meet other faculty from around the world, partake in our problem solving sessions, and enjoy the opportunity for informal meetings with other conference participants! Also, be sure to see and do all that South Florida has to offer! Our website will offer many options for daytime and evening outings and events.


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