30th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing May 19–20, 2018

30th Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing

About • Register Online • Travel info • Hotels • Local info
May 19–20, 2018
Contact email: cumberland2018@marshall.edu


The 30th annual Cumberland Conference will be held May 19–20, 2018, at Marshall University. Contributed 20 minute talks in all areas of combinatorics, graph theory, and associated areas of computer science are welcome.


We strongly expect for travel support to be provided by the US National Science Foundation. Requests for travel support will be given priority if submitted by April 11, 2018. Abstracts should be submitted by April 25, 2018. There is no registration fee, but participants need to register, either online or at the conference, provided that we receive NSF support as expected. We encourage all participants to register online by May 9, 2018.

Plenary Speakers


Previous Cumberland Conferences


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