
Showing posts from July, 2024

Press Release: Dr. Yifan Jing awarded the 2023 Kirkman Medal of the ICA

      For immediate release                                                Contact: Sarah Heuss, Secretary of the ICA June 4, 2024                                                                 Email:                                                                                     url:   Dr. Yifan Jing awarded the 2023 Kirkman Medal of the ICA   Kirkman Medals recognize excellent research by Fellows or Associate Fellows of the ICA early in their research career, as evidenced by an excellent body of published research . Yifan Jing earned his PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2021. Subsequently, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford and a Junior Research Fellow in Wolfson College at Oxford. This Fall, he will be an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Ohio State University.   Yifan Jing is a highly accomplished young ma

Press Release: Dr. Sam Mattheus awarded the 2023 Kirkman Medal of the ICA

      For immediate release                                                Contact: Sarah Heuss, Secretary of the ICA June 4, 2024                                                                 Email:                                                                                     url:   Dr. Sam Mattheus awarded the 2023 Kirkman Medal of the ICA   Kirkman Medals recognize excellent research by Fellows or Associate Fellows of the ICA early in their research career, as evidenced by an excellent body of published research . Sam Mattheus obtained in 2016 the degree of Master in Mathematics, with Summa Cum Laude, at Ghent University. Sam Mattheus obtained in 2022 the Degree of Doctor in Mathematics at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). Since 2022, he is a junior postdoctoral fellow of the Flemish Research Foundation at the VUB. During the academic year 2022-2023, he was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Sa

Press Release: Dr. Kenta Ozeki awarded the 2023 Hall Medal of the ICA

      For immediate release                                    Contact: Sarah Heuss, Secretary of the ICA June 4, 2024                                                     Email:                                                                         url:   Dr. Kenta Ozeki awarded the 2023 Hall Medal of the ICA   Hall Medals recognize extensive quality research with substantial international impact by Fellows of the ICA in mid-career.   Kenta Ozeki has made deep contributions in the field of structural and topological graph theory. He has obtained a number of important results and solved several long-standing conjectures and problems. His penetrating insight has enabled him to make new discoveries in subjects which have already been thoroughly studied. For example, inspired by Fisk’s seminal result that all the 3-edge-colorings of a cubic bipartite planar graph are Kempe equivalent, Mohar raised the problem of characterizing

Press Release: Dr. Cheryl Praeger named Honorary Fellow of the ICA

      For immediate release                                    Contact: Sarah Heuss, Secretary of the ICA June 4, 2024                                                     Email:                                                                         url:   Dr. Cheryl Praeger named Honorary Fellow of the ICA   Honorary Fellowship in the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications is awarded to an individual who has made pre-eminent contributions to combinatorics or its applications .   Cheryl Praeger was a Foundation Fellow of the Institute in 1990 and was a Council Member from 1992 to 2010. She has also held many leadership positions in the mathematical community: President of the Australian Mathematical Society (1992–1994), Member of the Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (2007–2014) and Foreign Secretary of the Australian Academy of Sciences (2014–2018).   Her research and service has been r